Sunday, February 11, 2007

Improving Pyd's Inheritance Support

After being asked to explain what I wanted to see in D as far as new metaprogramming features are concerned by Walter, I thought of a way to vastly improve Pyd's treatment of class wrapping without any new features. The current API looks like this:

wrapped_class!(Foo) f;

This API design predates D's tuples. Basically: wrapped_class is a struct template with a number of static member functions. The def member function, for instance, creates the wrapper function around a method and appends it to a list. It is important to note that this list is created entirely at run-time. The three lines above are a series of statements. There is no way to use the list of methods wrapped in some other compile-time operation (such as generating the D wrapper classes needed to properly support inheritance).

The new API design I thought of looks like this:


In this case, wrap_class is a function template like this:

void wrap_class(C, T ...) ();

C is the class being wrapped, and T is a tuple of various pre-defined struct templates, which replace the static member functions of wrapped_class.

Def, then, is a struct template which should look somewhat familiar:

struct Def(alias fn, char[] name=symbolnameof!(fn), fn_t=typeof(&fn), uint MIN_ARGS=minArgs!(fn))

Not only does the call to wrap_class look cleaner than the old API (for one, it doesn't have to create any spurious local variables), but it makes all of the information about a class available at compile-time. This can be used, together with the new mixins, to automatically generate the stupid wrapper classes used by Pyd to properly handle polymorphism. This would hide them in the guts of Pyd, where they firmly belong.

One issue this brings up is docstring support. Docstrings were previously supported through the (if I may say so) fairly elegant solution of making them regular function arguments. The first solution that comes to mind with this new API is this slightly more arcane one:

struct Docstring {
    char[] name, doc;

void docstrings(Docstring[] docs...);

// ... PydMain ...
        "",  "This function does such-and-such.",
        "SomeFunc", "This other function does something else."
// ...

Gotta love D's typesafe variadics.

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